Ok, so I finally explored the new Crate and Barrel at Towson Mall! Sensory overload! But, then I don't get out much..to shop! I think I sat on every sofa and stayed on each one just a minute or two longer than I should. After much searching, I do believe I have found my sofa!! The Oasis!! Around $2,000.....it is worth twice that for it's comfort and for looking so beautiful. It's clean lines will allow it to shine in almost any decor. I would describe it as modern shabby. The base is quite structured and I love that there are no curls or scrolls. The hugely plush..and elongated cushions soften the straight edges. The chair, too, is dreamy...and add to the chair a most wondrous footstool it looks like a chaise and becomes heartbreakingly perfect!
The store itself is divine! Explosive colors here and there, mostly in the form of Marimekko fabrics, bedding and summery home goods. Where before it was one level and limited...it is now two floors and HUGE..expansive...glorious!
I don't even purchase much from crateandbarrel, but when I do, it is a forever piece.
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